2024/2025 MEMBERSHIP FEES (1 July to 30 June)

Management Member  - $90 

An individual currently employed by their facility, either a golf course, sporting association, venue management, council, school or contractor in a senior, supervisor or management position engaged in maintaining a turf or amenity horticulture facility.

Standard Member - $60

An individual currently employed by their facility in a position maintaining a turf or amenity horticulture facility. This could be an employee of a golf course, sporting association, venue management, council, school or contractor.

Trade Member - $60

An individual currently employed as a representative or employee of an industry supplier or consultant, or an owner, director or senior manager of a contractor company and others that offer services to the industry.

Retired Member - $30

An individual who has been employed in the turf Industry and has previously held a Management, Standard or Trade Membership and has subsequently retired from active employment.

Apprentice/Trainee Member - FREE

An individual currently employed by their place of employment as an apprentice or trainee or enrolled in an approved trade level (Certificate III) qualification. 


  1. The membership year runs from 1 July to 30 June.
  2. Those joining during the financial year will have their respective membership fee pro-rated from the date of joining.
  3. All NEW membership applications are subject to committee approval.
  4. Once approved by committee, an invoice for payment terms of 30 days from date of invoice, shall be issued.
  5. Memberships are non-transferable.